Management: Early Capstones - 30 Years of MIR
Klaus Macharzina
Not Available
Management and International Review
Brij N Kumar
Euro-Asian Management and Business I
International Business Theory
Peter J Buckley
International Human Resource and Cross Cultural Management
Joachim Wolf
Wolfgang Weber and 2 more
Management International Review
MichaelJörg Oesterle and 1 more
Marion Festing
David M Brock and 1 more
Shirley J Daniel and 1 more
Jan Hendrik Fisch
Challenges and Solutions for International Marketing Management
The Organisational Evolution of the Multinational Enterprise
AT Peters and 1 more
International Management of Technology: Theory, Evidence and Policy
James Taggart and 1 more
Economy and Business in Asia: Post-Crisis Perspectives
James Taggart
Bent Petersen
The Limits to Globalization and the Regional Strategies of Multinational Enterprises
Alan M Rugman and 1 more
Internationalization Processes - New Perspectives for a Classical Field of International Management
MichaelJörg Oesterle
Niels G Noorderhaven
Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Corporations
Lars Hakanson
Governing Knowledge-Processes
Volker Mahnke
Tamed Tigers: Restructuring, Liberalization, and Changing Business Systems in the East Asian Economies
Oded Shenkar